A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of doing a three day workshop at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. A freshly started animation program houses eight aspiring animators/film-makers. It was a blast! With professional mime Alejandro Bonnet, as a model at my side, we dove straight into the dynamics and movements of the figure. Fantastic to watch him in action:) Talk about body awareness! The students also learned how to construct the figure from head to toe which is essential in creating characters and/or figures from imagination. A wonderful school to visit and awesome to see an animation program in an environment that breathes acting and storytelling... Love it!
Thank You students and staff at The Swedish Academy of Realist Art for your, yet another, warm welcome and for putting up with my ramblings and scribbles;)
Learning the human anatomy takes time and dedication but I hope I´ve inspired and opened doors for diving in deep and for approaching it in a constructive, dynamic way. Remember we all have a bunch of crappy drawings in us that need to come out sooner or later. Never choose the easy path of drawing what you already know, over and over, but challenge yourself through constantly pushing your weaker sides... Until next time- P |
AuthorPernilla Persson Jahangiri - visual artist
"Jättekonstverket som gav arbete" Sveriges Radio
"Alla sju jättedukar upp på stadens hus" Kristianstadsbladet "Tösernas Gård tar form" "Nordic Spotlight - review" "Syskon skapar konst på scen" "Pernilla Persson-Årets konstnär" "Jazzfestivalens nya omslagsflicka" "Antenna sprider ung hipp jazz" "Nytt rum ger ny inspiration"